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Apr 17, 20232 min read
LIVE REPORT: Calcopoli
Luciano Moggi's story begins with a secret meeting taking place in Milan, revealed today by former referee designator Paolo Bergamo

Apr 17, 20231 min read
Calciopoli Juve, Ranucci: «17 years later it emerged that no match had been conditioned!»
Calciopoli Juve, Ranucci: «17 years later it emerged that no match had been conditioned!». The comment of the conductor of Report

Apr 17, 20231 min read
Calciopoli Juve, Bergamo: «Moratti was convinced of one thing». Backstory
Calciopoli Juve, Bergamo: «Moratti was convinced of one thing». Background of the former referee designator

Apr 17, 20231 min read
Moggi and the stick on Calciopoli: "Of 170,000 interceptions, only 25 concerned Juve"
Moggi and the flash drive on Calciopoli: «Of 170,000 interceptions, only 25 concerned Juve». Revelation of the former executive.

Apr 17, 20232 min read
Juve and Calciopoli: how the Naples trial demolished the FIGC accusations
In a study of March 18, 2011 we explain how the "other truth" emerged between urban legends, theorems and omissions in the information.
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