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Jul 19, 20241 min read
'Chi non salta juventino è': Antonio Conte's reaction from Napoli's training camp in Dimaro
Antonio Conte 's Napoli is formally born - certainly not on the pitch, the team has been training for days already. The Neapolitans, in...

Sep 27, 20232 min read
De Laurentiis investigated for capital gains, Lazio fans ask for the Scudetto
"Napoli like Juve": social war is unleashed to rewrite the outcome of last championship And now how do we put it? The news of the...

May 31, 20232 min read
Not just Juventus! Napoli, Rome, Bergamo: justice and prosecutors in turmoil
The closure of the sporting trials against the black and whites does not mean the end of the judicial turmoil: investigations are also...

May 3, 20232 min read
Tuttosport: "De Laurentiis, storm of honesty: his words irritate Juve and beyond..."
“At the fair of honesty”, is the opening title of today's edition of Tuttosport . The reference is to the words of Aurelio De Laurentiis...
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