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Bonucci shock: Allegri liar, I'm humiliated by Juventus!

The defender spoke about his farewell to the Bianconeri and the treatment he received: here are his words

Leonardo Bonucci has given his first interview since leaving Juventus . The Juventus defender spoke to SportMediaset and said about his farewell to the Old Lady: "I have read and heard untrue things said by Juventus and the coach" . On the timing of the choice made by the club he reveals:“It is not true that in October 2022 and February 2023 I was informed of the desire to terminate the relationship at the end of the season. I smelled something just by reading it in the newspapers until on July 13th when Giuntoli and Manna informed me, coming to my house, that I would no longer be part of the Juventus squad and that my presence on the pitch would hinder the growth of the team."

Bonucci tough on Juventus

"This was the humiliation I suffered after more than 500 matches for Juventus - he continues -. I appreciated the solidarity of many players, including current ones, from Juventus and other teams. Everyone expressed their sympathy for the disrespectful behavior of the company" . These are the words of Leonardo Bonucci in the interview given to Riccardo Trevisani, the defender now playing for Union Berlin addressed various topics such as his two farewells to Juve, the summer spent outside the first team, Pirlo's phone calls , Buffon and Chiellini and that of Spalletti for the national team. The return to the blue remains his great goal: Euro 2024 could be his last great appointment with the Italy shirt.

Bonucci and the relationship with Allegri

"I have decided, after great suffering, to take up the cause towards Juventus . I have read and heard untrue things said by the club and the coach" , continues Leonardo Bonucci in the full interview with Sport Mediaset: "It is false that in October I was made aware of future projects that excluded me from Juventus. Indeed, in October I had the possibility of continuing with a renewal: we moved forward together because the club had understood the importance of having me within of the locker room. Then I heard the words of the coach according to which the concept of farewell at the end of the season would have been reiterated by himself and by the club in February. This is also not true:the coach only called me to his office at the end of March, before the match against Freiburg in the Europa League , to tell me that, in his opinion, it would be appropriate to advance my career as a coach by leaving football. I told him that I respected his opinion of him, but that I didn't want to stop until European Championship 2024. "

"I started behind Gatti, Bremer and Danilo"

Bonucci goes into detail: "After this meeting I no longer spoke to anyone until the end of May, after the last home game with Milan, when when meeting the club I was informed that in the current season I would start behind Gatti, Bremer, Danilo is a young Next Gen player, becoming the fifth/sixth choice in defense and a mother hen for the others. I accepted without wanting to cause problems. Ultimately, it would have been like last season." Bonucci against Juve: the reasons for the case

After his farewell to Juventus, Bonucci decided to sue Juventus, explaining the reasons: "Because my rights stipulated that I would have to train with the team regardless of the technical choice and put in a position to be able to physically and athletically face the following season. This wasn't granted to me, I no longer trained with the team. I felt emptied of everything, humiliated, I couldn't do what I love most . " And he adds:"It's not a question of money, if I were to win the case, I will donate everything to charity. And what's more, I want my situation to be a crucial issue for the AIC, of ​​which I am an advisor, because every year people, players, men, professionals who have less strength than mine find themselves in these situations and ultimately compromised in order to continue playing."

Bonucci: "I want to remember Juventus like this"

"After two weeks of no longer being with Juventus, it is very difficult to think about the last period. I like to think about the Juventus of which I was part, the one that won, the real Juventus, the one that in these last two years has never been view. I have nothing against Juventus. Juventus are the fans, the team, my former teammates. I'm pursuing this cause because the people who were supposed to let me end my career at Juventus in a respectful and dignified way didn't do it." .

"I didn't want to end like this with Juventus"

"It's the second time that I've found myself forced to leave Juventus, in both cases due to the position taken by an individual, which isn't me", the Azzurri defender once again attacks the management of the Bianconeri towards him: "What It's clear to everyone that I've never had the relationship I would have liked with the coach. Not just my fault because I have my own character and very often I've taken positions for the good of the team and my teammates. Yes, that's how it is created a short circuit that didn't allow me to end my career as I would have liked." He takes refuge in the words of his former teammates Bonucci who says: "Pirlo made me smile ,who told me that maybe it could happen like it did to him: continue to win somewhere else after they write you off. I also heard from Chiellini, with whom I have a brotherly relationship, and also Buffon who wanted to hear my truth, different from that written by the newspapers."

Bonucci, the national team and the future Juve

On the future, Bonucci explains: "I want to continue playing and put Spalletti in difficulty for the national team. His phone call to inform me that he would not call me up for these last matches was not a necessary action, it was a gesture that I appreciated very much, it makes it clear his human depth, his sincerity: not having had adequate training he couldn't call me to the national team. I expected it, I'm not stupid. But I feel the national team shirt on my skin like the Juventus one. I'll do everything to wear it." . Regarding Juventus he promises: "There will be something in the future. When I decide to start coaching, I have my path in mind, what I want to do.Surely Juventus when I become a coach will not be the same as it is today and maybe there will be a way, one day, to embrace the fans again, to greet them and make them understand how important Juventus was to me. Today's one doesn't feel like mine."

Bonucci on the Pogba case: "I'm sad"

He also talks about the doping case that hit his former partner Paul Pogba: "I'm really sad for him because he's gone through a series of things in the last year, everything that could happen to you. It's really a shame, a very good boy, a piece of bread, perhaps too good and for that reason perhaps he made decisions that ultimately turned out to be incorrect. I have always appreciated Paul as a footballer and as a genuine, good and positive person even within the locker room, even this year for him very complicated".

Pogba to Bonucci: "I admire you"

"The thing I also liked, in these two months as an exile, I met him once and he told me 'look Leo I admire you, I don't know if in your situation I would have had the strength that you showed in coming to train every day in these conditions.' Coming from him, from a top player in world football over the last ten years, it seems quite important to me."

Bonucci, the last months of Juve After the tormented season which ended with the exclusion from UEFA competitions, Juventus has decided to open a new cycle. With the arrival of sporting director Giuntoli, many things were made clear within the squad and, by mutual agreement with Max Allegri, Leo Bonucci found himself out of the Juventus project. The decision to leave the Italian defender out of the squad immediately generated important reactions. Thus began the conflictual relationship that has held sway at Bonucci in recent months until his move to Union Berlin.



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