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Capital gains Juve, the trial and the sentence on the penalty: the live news

The hearing for the re-evaluation of the sanction against Juventus in the capital gains case is underway at the FIGC Federal Court of Appeal. On April 20, the Coni Guarantee College had referred the proceeding to the court, for the redefinition of the -15 initially inflicted on the black and whites. All news live



Judgment not before the match

As far as we know, the ruling of the Court of Appeal of the FIGC should not arrive before the match between Juventus and Empoli, scheduled for 20.45. So the decision of the Court will come either late in the evening or in the morning of tomorrow, as Matteo Petrucci from Rome.


Juventus stock loses 0.55% to 0.2874 Euros per share.

In today's session, the title of Juventus Football Club SpA touched a maximum of 0.29 euros and a minimum of 0.282 euros per share. The record for the value of the shares this year was set at 0.382 euros last 04/01/2023


Juve, -4.2% on the Stock Exchange Juventus heavy on the stock market after the request for eleven penalty points made by the FIGC federal prosecutor's office in the new hearing of the federal appeals court for the capital gains trial. At Piazza Affari, the stock dropped 4.2% to 0.27 euro

11:50 Judgment already today? Times The sentence of the Federal Court of Appeals could arrive today. But it cannot be excluded that it could arrive in the next few days: in fact, the Court has 5 days to issue the sentence after the hearing 11:45 How would the ranking change If the requests of the agent Chinè, who asked for a new 11-point penalty, are accepted, Juventus would drop to seventh place at 58 points, one less than Roma


Asked for 8 months of inhibition for Nedved Prosecutor Chinè requested confirmation of the 8-month inhibition against Pavel Nedved and other Juventus managers in his indictment, for which the Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport had referred to the Federal Court of Appeal for a new assessment. This is the complete list:

  • Pavel Nedved (8 months ban)

  • Enrico Vellano (8 months inhibition)

  • Paolo Garimberti (8 months ban)

  • Assia Grazioli Venier (8 months inhibition)

  • Daniela Marilungo (8 months inhibition)

  • Caitilin Mary Hughes (8 months inhibition)

  • Francesco Roncaglio (8 months ban)


The prosecutor's request: 11 penalty points Prosecutor Chinè in his indictment asked for a new penalty for Juventus of 11 points


Juve on the field today in Empoli

Juventus are awaiting the outcome of today's trial in the Federal Court of Appeal, meanwhile on the field tonight they will be busy with the away game in Empoli at 20.45. He could play knowing the outcome of the hearing, as happened on 20 April in the Europa League (1-1 with Sporting in Lisbon with passage to the semifinals), when he played after learning the outcome of the club's appeal to the College Sports Guarantee.


Serie A standings After the sentence of the Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport on 20 April, Juventus saw the 15 points previously removed with the penalty reassigned. This is the current Serie A standings, with the Bianconeri second at 69 points. However, this classification could change again after today's hearing

10:39 Prosecutor Chinè's indictment is underway Hearing in progress, now it is the turn of the federal prosecutor Chinè who is carrying out his indictment

10:26 Hearing started: the protagonists The hearing for the capital gains-Juve case began a little while ago and after the Juventus appeal to the Guarantee College at Coni, it returns today to the Federal Court of Appeal, called to remodulate the sentence (last January by -15 points in the standings ) above all clarifying the responsibility of non-top management of the club in the sanctions against Juventus. The federal prosecutor and the Juventus lawyers are connected to the hearing, which takes place entirely remotely , together with the Juventus president, Gianluca Ferrero, as well as the new college of the court, chaired by Ida Raiola and not by Mario Luigi Torsello as last January

10:24 Juve, the scenarios: Yesterday on Sky Sport 24 Fabio Tavelli outlined some of the possible scenarios regarding the judicial proceedings of Juventus, in the sports and ordinary spheres.

10:05 Juventus president Ferrero is present in Rome Although the hearing is being held remotely, the president of the Juventus club, Gianluca Ferrero, is present in Rome

10:02 The decision of the Board of Guarantee on Juventus With regard to the penalization of Juventus, this is the decision of the Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport last April 20: "It refers to the Federal Court of Appeal to renew its assessment, in particular, with regard to the determination of the causal contribution of the individual administrators, providing adequate justification and drawing any consequences also in relation to the sanction imposed on the company Juventus FCSpA ."

9:58 The decision of the Collegio di Garanzia on Nedved and other Juve executives For other Juve executives, the Board accepted the appeal, referring new assessments to the Federal Court of Appeal : "Referred to the Federal Court of Appeal so that, in a different composition, it renews its assessment, in particular, regarding the determination of the causal contribution of the individual directors , providing adequate reasons". This is the complete list:

  • Pavel Nedved (8 months ban)

  • Enrico Vellano (8 months inhibition)

  • Paolo Garimberti (8 months ban)

  • Assia Grazioli Venier (8 months inhibition)

  • Daniela Marilungo (8 months inhibition)

  • Caitilin Mary Hughes (8 months inhibition)

  • Francesco Roncaglio (8 months ban)

9:47 The decisions of the Sports Guarantee Board While it referred to a new judgment by the Federal Court of Appeal as regards the penalty of Juventus, the Guarantee College rejected the following appeals on 20 April:

  • Andrea Agnelli (temporary inhibition of 24 months)

  • Fabio Paratici (temporary inhibition of 30 months )

  • Maurizio Arrivabene (temporary inhibition of 24 months )

  • Federico Cherubini (temporary inhibition of 16 months )

9:45 Ordinary justice, the Cassation will decide on territorial jurisdiction As far as ordinary justice is concerned, with regard to the "Prisma" investigation by the Turin prosecutor's office, the Gup has referred the decision on the territorial jurisdiction of the trial to the Cassation. The Supreme Court will therefore decide whether the proceedings will remain in Turin or whether to move it to Rome or Milan. In the meantime, the new hearing was communicated on 26 October. HERE ALL THE DETAILS

09:05 The new referral on the "salary maneuver" While today the new trial is taking place to restore the amount of the penalty in the capital gains case, on 19 May the federal prosecutor Chinè referred Juventus and seven Juventus managers and former managers including Agnelli, Paratici, Nedved and Cherubini regarding the line which includes the salary maneuver for the two-year period 2019/21, the fictitious salaries to agents and the partnership with other companies , whose position will have to be clarified by the competent prosecutors on the basis of the material acquired on 24 February. According to the FIGC prosecutor's office, article 4.1 of the sports justice code would have been violated. The sporting process not before the end of the championship and any penalties will fall on next season.CLICK FOR DETAILS

08:55 Waiting for the sentence: will it already be today? The ruling on the penalty against Juventus for the capital gains case could already arrive today. But the decision could also come in the next few days

08:42 The hearing remotely The trial is expected to start at around 10am. The hearing will not be held in presence but remotely.

08:34 From capital gains to salaries: all stages From the searches of 2021 to the sentence of the Guarantee College which suspended the 15 penalty points assigned to Juventus by the FIGC Court of Appeal. The two strands (capital gains and "salary maneuvers"), the investigation by the Turin and Federal prosecutors: all the stages of the "Prisma" investigation into Juventus' accounts.

08:26 Judgment of January 20 On 20 January 2023, the FIGC federal court had not only accepted Chinè's requests but had increased them: -15 points (instead of the 9 requested by the Public Prosecutor's Office) in the standings for Juventus; 2 and a half years of inhibition for Paratici , 2 for Agnelli and Arrivabene , 1 year and 4 months for Cherubini and 8 months for Nedved

08:17 The motivations of the Board of Guarantee The College of Guarantee, in 75 pages, had disclosed the reasons for the sentence on the capital gains process for Juventus which in the third instance saw the temporary return of the 15 penalty points to the black and whites pending a new ruling by the Federal Court of Appeal. The system of the accusation is confirmed, a reduction of the penalty against the club is possible but Europe is at risk

08:08 Why a new hearing On April 20, the Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport accepted Juventus' appeal for the capital gains case, however, referring the proceedings to the Federcalcio justice for a new assessment. Therefore suspended the penalty of 15 points pending today's new trial. The appeal of Pavel Nedved , Paolo Garimberti and Enrico Vellano has also been accepted . On the other hand, the appeals of Andrea Agnelli , Fabio Paratici and Federico Cherubini were rejected .

08:03 The hearing for the re-evaluation of the sanction against Juventus in the capital gains case will begin in about two hours at the FIGC's Federal Court of Appeal . On April 20, the Coni Guarantee College had referred the proceeding to the court, for the redefinition of the -15 initially inflicted on the bianconeri.



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