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'Chi non salta juventino è': Antonio Conte's reaction from Napoli's training camp in Dimaro

Antonio Conte 's Napoli is formally born - certainly not on the pitch, the team has been training for days already. The Neapolitans, in fact, are busy this evening with the official presentation of the team in Dimaro, the location of the retreat. The protagonists speak from the stage, and the fans make their support heard on the other side. Support but not only: while Antonio Conte was speaking, in fact, the chant " Chi non salta juventino è " was sung .

Conte Napoli, the reaction to the chorus

Antonio Monte appears on stage and the chant “Chi non salta juventino è” starts. The coach’s response, live on CalcioNapoli24: “Let’s get this straight once and for all. I think that in football as in life there always needs to be respect. It’s right that you are fans and support our team. I will always be polite and respectful, don’t ask me for things that I won’t do, not for just one team but for all of them. We coaches must always set a positive example. Today, you have the biggest Napoli fan here”.

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