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Corona shows Allegri's photo at the Casino di Montecarlo: 'While playing he was betting on Serie B'

Fabrizio Corona showed a photo of Massimiliano Allegri, Juventus coach, playing at the Montecarlo Casino. On a video call, his informant adds: “While playing he was betting on Serie B.”

Fabrizio Corona had promised new and striking news on the betting case. On his information site, Dillingernews, the king of the paparazzi has thus published a video in which he interviews his source in a video call showing a photo of Massimiliano Allegri, Juventus coach, who plays at the casino. It was the period of Covid since it is very noticeable how the Bianconeri technician had a white mask on his face. The casino in question was Monte Carlo and the Corona whistleblower adds more details about Allegri.

"He played a lot - he says - Indeed, he once won 30 thousand euros and gave 3 thousand to a person by his side saying: 'keep this is the bill' (understood as a ticket ed)". Corona's source on video call adds: "His friend played him the ticket for him and Allegri gave him the 3ooo euros of the cost of the ticket". Corona therefore presses him precisely on the betting issue, especially the football ones: "He was betting so much on Serie B from the casino - reports the man - he watched it from his cell phone. I'm sure at 1000 x 1000′′

Nothing illegal, clear, Allegri has never hidden his passion for the game. A revelation that therefore does not add more to the illegal betting case that is being talked about these days and that has seen footballers of the book of Fagioli, Tonali and Zaniolo end up in the investigation of the Turin Prosecutor's Office. The others, later revealed by Dillingernews, found no response in the investigators' investigations. In the case of Allegri you can only see a photo of the Juventus coach – to be understood even if at that time he had already returned to the Bianconeri bench in 2021 – playing at the Casino. Nothing that would suggest any illegal activity of the Old Lady's technician. There are certainly still the words of the whistleblower of the king of the paparazzi who reports on bets on Allegri's Serie B, but without sufficient feedback in this regard.

The issue related to Allegri's passion for gambling was also confirmed in June 2021 when the Bianconeri coach received seven transfers between 2018 and 2021, for a total of 161 thousand euros from a Slovenian company that manages hotels, gaming and entertainment centers in Slovenia, and still 140 thousand euros from a private bank in Monte Carlo. A question raised following investigations by the Bank of Italy about banking transactions reported as 'suspicious' on the account in the name of the current Juventus coach. In short, a signal as often happens in similar situations and when the figures at stake are so high. So much so that Allegri himself hastened to refute: "I declare myself with absolute firmness completely unrelated to any illegal or irregular activity".



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