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Exclusive Milenkovic: "I spoke to Vlahovic. For me from the Top 5 in Europe"

The Fiorentina defender reveals: "Here's what Dusan told me. Me with a purple flag? Seven years in Florence, inevitable"

Hello Nikola, a new season is about to begin. How are you and how is your Fiorentina?

« I'm fine thanks, I'm very excited and the team is fine too. The league debut is almost there now, we are preparing for this already important match against Genoa which is never easy ».

For the first time you have done preparation at Viola Park.

« A spectacular structure, like feeling at home ».

Vincenzo Italiano said: “If we want to grow we must all raise the bar”. Ready to take up this challenge?

« Losing two finals has brought a lot of disappointment but also a lot of anger that we have to bring out in this new season. The coach is right, only in this way can we improve ».

Is it a Fiorentina that can fight for the Europa League waiting to try to make the Champions League dream come true in the future?

« We will do everything to get as high as possible. The club has made an important effort with large investments, it has brought in players who have raised the quality of the team and can help it a lot. I expect a lot from them. And precisely because there's more quality this year we have to expect to do better than last season even if it won't be easy ».

For the third year on the bench there is Italiano. How did he find it? And did he ever fear a he goodbye from him?

« When a coach works well and achieves important results, he always ends up at the center of many voices, it is the same for strong players. But I've never been afraid that he would leave because he has a contract and because like all of us he is so hungry. I've seen him even more charged and ambitious, he has an incredible desire to do well and he knows how to convey it together with a game that was immediately offensive, modern, European ».

More regrets for the Coppa Italia final lost against Inter or the Conference final lost against West Ham ?

« Both hurt too much, even if on balance perhaps the one with West Ham weighs more because it was the last chance to win a cup. I'm sorry after a journey that had been extraordinary in Europe ».

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