The Juventus midfielder spoke fully to the microphones of DAZN

Nicolò Fagioli is ready to go again. After having seen the last part of last season affected by a bad injury, the Juventus midfielder is preparing in Turin for next season. He did not leave for the US tour with the rest of the team due to tonsillitis.
But the class of 2001 ( who hopes to join his teammates for the match against Real Madrid ) is eager to start again strong in view of the next Serie A championship. Fagioli, in an interview released to DAZN , touched on various topics: the strong points and those in which to improve, his blue dream, how Massimiliano Allegri manages mistakes on the pitch, sources of inspiration and his career in Juventus.
Juve, to all Fagioli
These are Fagioli's statements: " I like racing, but above all you have to race, you have to like it if you want to win. Retirement is the most tiring part of the season: you have to start over, you never feel like you do during the season, you have to work harder but you need a lot to better prepare for the first matches. Since last championship I feel that I have grown in defensive attention, I think it is something on which the coach has made me improve a lot. On the pitch he gives you a lot of peace of mind, he doesn't get angry when you make mistakes technically, but when you have a wrong attitude: you always have to be on the ball in the game, while if you make a mistake on a play, he's the first to encourage you".