The Juventus club commemorated the 39 victims who lost their lives on 29 May 1985 before the European Cup final with Liverpool.

Today 38 years have passed since that absurd tragedy in Belgium , when 39 people lost their lives at the Heysel stadium in Brussels (and over 600 were injured), shortly before the Champions Cup final between Juventus and Liverpool. That May 29, 1985 can never be erased, it will remain in history and the memory of the people who lost their lives will be honored forever . Just as the Juventus club did today, with a note published on its official website dedicated to the victims of that day of ordinary madness.
Heysel, the memory of Juventus
This is the statement from Juventus : " There were two teams, ready for a Champions Cup final, which all of Europe was waiting for. There was a stadium in Belgium and a night that was supposed to be a party. There were thousands of people, that night, at Heysel, thousands of eyes who couldn't wait to get excited about a great game. There were 39 of them who, that game, never saw it. Since that day in 1985, the word 'Heysel ' is synonymous with dismay, irrationality, dizzying events on an unholy night. May 29 is a date when that wound hurts again, and we know very well that it will never stop. We hold each other in memory together with families and loved ones of those 39 innocent people. Who were there, and will never stop being together with us ."
Turin's message
Even Torino through its official Twitter account wanted to send a message of commemoration for the Heysel victims: " We are united in prayer and in remembrance of the 39 victims of the Heysel massacre ". This is the caption accompanying the photo of the plate " In memoriam 29-05-85 ".