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Juve and Calciopoli: how the Naples trial demolished the FIGC accusations

In a study of March 18, 2011 we explain how the "other truth" emerged between urban legends, theorems and omissions in the information.

The facts of Calciopoli are becoming topical again. Starting from the previews of the episode of Report on Monday 17 April (the investigation is entitled, in fact, Once upon a time Calciopoli ), the discussion of what happened has resumed, thanks to Moggi's famous "key" which summarizes "the 'other Calciopoli” . Tuttosport has always recounted those facts showing the inconsistencies of the investigations, following the Naples trial and its developments in the sporting field with great attention. Below we provide you with an in-depth analysis of 18 March 2011 on the subject by Alvaro Moretti and Guido Vaciago.

It was 20 January 2009 and the debate in Moggi's trial plus 23 others had begun. For Italy and the world, Calciopoli was an unequivocal scandal that had engulfed Juventus, and marginally other teams, in the summer of 2006. Listening for the witness Nucini for the second time, on Tuesday 15 March 2011 the hearing phase practically ended, the one in which the evidence is formed in the cross-examination. The cracks in the architraves of the Dome designed by the prosecutors of Naples (and on which the Sports Justice also slavishly relied) were already evident with the Gea sentence of 8 January 2009, but in 26 months of testimonies and expert reports we have discovered another "world telephone" and another truth that had not wanted (or been able) to describe in the information.

Another Calciopoli

In short, Calciopoli has become something else , hearing after hearing, in room 216 of the IX section of the court of Naples, before Judge Casoria. And the other reality, hidden in the phone calls of other uninvolved executives, such as those of Inter (but also of Palermo, Roma, Udinese, Chievo, Brescia, etc.), was clearly revealed, stripping the investigation of Colonel Auricchio: the " Inter is not being investigated " (cf. witness Coppola) , the relationship with Baldini (which foreshadows a " reversal»), the total lack of evidence or witnesses of the falsification of the arbitration draw, the shaky theorem of admonitions collapsed under the blows of statistics and federal press releases. In Naples we understood, net of the sentences, that Calciopoli was a great injustice. Because - like it or not - they called, gave gifts, dined, asked for assistants or referees in many (not Moggi, incredible dictu), without exclusives. We discovered that the Swiss files could be intercepted and that whoever was intercepted by the judges had for years been followed and controlled by Telecom spies or by Nucini. In short, in Naples we discovered that there is also another truth, which doesn't erase the previous one, but transforms it. Will the FIGC also understand this?

Let's find out in the following pages why the FIGC condemned Juventus in 2006 and how the Naples trial demolished the accusations for which they were relegated to Serie B.

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