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Juve direct plea bargaining, salary maneuver process: today it closes

The Juventus club has reached an agreement with the federal prosecutor to immediately close the discussion relating to the other proceeding. Maximulta sure, other points are also at stake: follow everything with us

An important day at Juventus for the second line of investigation, the one relating to salary maneuvers , exchanges with other clubs and 'special' relationships with agents. The Juventus club has asked the FIGC to anticipate the hearing, initially scheduled for 15 June, before the Federal Court. Through Chief Football Officier Calvo and President Ferrero , Juve decided to ask for a plea dealand will ask to be punished with a maximum fine. The Bianconeri's move is aimed at concluding the proceedings against him, to try to avoid new penalties and other off-field issues that could also affect next season. Follow all the updates in real time on our site.

Calvo's words before Juve-Milan

"We were unjustly punished, there is no proportion to the penalty, we started the process under investigation for one article and we found ourselves convicted for another, but it's now water under the bridge. We have to concentrate on the pitch," said Juventus CFO Calvo before the match . challenge against the Rossoneri. Now his words take on a clearer meaning.

2:38 pm

Juve's press release after the sentence

" The Company, while reiterating the correctness of its actions and the legitimacy of its defensive arguments, has deemed it appropriate to apply sanctions upon request pursuant to art. 127 CGS in the terms indicated above in the best interest of the Company itself, its shareholders and all stakeholders ", is an extract from the press release issued by Juventus after the sentence. ( PRESS RELEASE )

2:33 pm

Juve ruling, the note from the FIGC

"The National Federal Court - Disciplinary Section, chaired by Carlo Sica, having acknowledged the submitted agreement proposals, having regard to article 127 of the CGS, declares them effective and applies the following sanctions:

- for the company Juventus FC Spa, a fine of 718,240.00 (seven hundred and eighteen thousand, two hundred and forty/00) euros; - for mr. FP, 47,000.00 (forty-seven thousand/00) euro fine; - for mr. PN, 35,250.00 (thirty-five thousand two hundred and fifty/00) euro fine; - for mr. FC, Euro 32,500.00 (thirty-two thousand five hundred/00) fine; - for mr. CG, 18,500.00 (eighteen thousand five hundred/00) euro fine; - for mr. PM, 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand/00) euro fine; - for mr. GM, Euro 11,750.00 (eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty/00) fine; - for mr. SB, Euro 10,000.00 (ten thousand/00) fine.

The condition for the settlement was the waiver of the appeal against the decision of the Federal Court of last May 22nd and the decision of the CONI Guarantee College of last April 20th. In order to obtain a postponement to continue the already advanced discussions aimed at evaluating a proposal for an agreement pursuant to art. 127 CGS, considering the request worthy of acceptance, removes from the present proceeding the position of dott. Andrea Agnelli, the discussion of which refers to the hearing of 15 June 2023, in the presence, with preservation of the rights of the first hearing", reads the FIGC website.


Juve salaries, the trident lawyers more incisive than that of Allegri

The Juventus club's mission accomplished: everything ends without further penalty points. ( READ ALL )

2:29 pm

Salaries Juve, Agnelli does not negotiate: the date of the hearing

The position of the former Juventus president who will go to trial at the National Federal Court has been removed ( READ ALL )


Final Serie A standings: Juve, it will be Europa Ceferin permitting

The Juventus club has not suffered further penalties on the pitch and thus remains at 59 points ahead of the match against Udinese ( READ ALL )

2:07 PM

Juve process, the words of Gravina

" There is a moment for verification, assessment, judgements, but there is also a moment to define and look to the future with greater serenity, the moment of planning, all in absolute compliance with the rules. Therefore, this "The final act is an act envisaged by our rules, by the Sports Justice Code, which is desirable and shared. I think this is the best result for Italian football, for having found - we hope so - a moment of serenity", the words of the president of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina.

1:55 pm

Agnelli, no plea deal: hearing on June 15th

No plea deal for the former Juventus president Andrea Agnelli, who will go on trial at the National Federal Court, with a hearing scheduled for June 15th.

1:54 PM

Juve trial, the sentence

The Juventus club, which will not suffer further penalties in terms of points in the standings, will have to pay a fine of 718,000 euros.


Accepted the plea deal: only a fine for Juventus

The National Federal Court has accepted Juventus' plea bargain on the "salary maneuver": only a fine for the Juventus club, which waives appeals.

1:18 pm

Juve trial, hearing over

The hearing at the national federal court of the FIGC for the Juve case on the stupendous maneuver ended just before 13.00. At the exit, the Juventus lawyers did not make any statements. The lawyer Maurizio Bellacosa limited himself to saying " we await the publications " in reference to the decision of the TFN on the possibility of a plea bargain between Juventus and the federal prosecutor.


If the Court rejects the settlement

The Court may not accept Juve's settlement proposal and the federal prosecutor's office. In this case, it would go directly to trial


Juve -10, the reasons unleash social media: "How many points in Gryffindor?"

A succession of ironies from Juventus fans on the criteria applied by sports justice to arrive at the figure of ten...


The sentence of 22 May and -10 for Juve

In the ruling of 22 May, the Federal Court of Appeal decided to acquit "Messrs. Pavel Nedved, Paolo Garimberti, Assia Grazioli Venier, Caitlin Mary Hughes, Daniela Marilungo, Francesco Roncaglio and Enrico Vellano of the charges ascribed" and "imrogate the FC Juventus SpA the sanction of the penalty of 10 (ten) points in the standings, to be served in the current football season".


The classification of A pending the decision

The Serie A standings awaiting the decision at the hearing. With the plea agreement, Juventus hopes to avoid a new penalty SEE THE STANDINGS


The Federal Court of Appeal discloses the reasons behind the penalty inflicted on the Juventus club by calculating the points based on the people convicted: all the details READ All


Juve 'fly' on the stock exchange

The Stock Exchange welcomes the possible settlement between the Juventus club and the Federal Prosecutor's Office, which could close the second branch of the investigation today. The securities of the Old Lady gain 4.05% to 0.303 euros.


The hearing begins

The hearing, in attendance, at the Federal Court has begun.


Juve's lawyers enter the headquarters of the Federal Court

Shortly after 10:30, the lawyers of the Juventus club entered the headquarters of the National Federal Court in via Campania in Rome


Attendance hearing

The hearing will take place in the presence of the National Federal Court: the judges will be present with the president Carlo Sica, the federal prosecutor's office and Juve's lawyers.


Everything closes today

The plea agreement request, if accepted, provides for the waiver of all other levels of judgement.


Juventus negotiate, but realism does not cure the sense of injustice

The Juventus people will have to accept a logical but indigestible choice after a terrible year READ ALL


Juve background: how and why the plea agreement was reached

What does the compromise to be submitted to the judges foreseen after days of negotiations: with the ok there will be no other penalties and it will end with the sports justice READ ALL


How plea bargaining works

The plea agreement provides for a discount of one third of the sentence. To understand, however, is the extent of the penalty that will be agreed: will there be only a fine or even a new penalty in the standings?


Calvo's words before Juve-Milan

"We were unjustly punished, there is no proportion to the penalty, we started the process under investigation for one article and we found ourselves convicted for another, but it's now water under the bridge. We have to concentrate on the pitch," said Juventus CFO Calvo before the match . challenge against the Rossoneri. Now his words take on a clearer meaning.


Juve, Europe yes or no? All the possibilities and Ceferin's last word

With the Bianconeri sure of their place in the Cups for the new season, the ball would pass to UEFA to decide whether to exclude it. With the Superlega variable


The hearing begins at 10:30

The hearing is expected to start at 10:30.


Juve plea bargain: the explanation and the consequences

Tuttosport Director Guido Vaciago comments on the decision of the Juventus club WATCH THE VIDEO


Juve: zero-point plea bargain for salary maneuver

The Juventus club and the federal prosecutor would have agreed: the trial, scheduled for June 15, would have been brought forward to today

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