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Juve plea agreement, the press release: One point made, instability overcome

The Press Release from the Juventus club, which however reaffirms "the correctness of its actions and the validity of its defensive arguments"

Juventus obtained a plea deal regarding the investigation relating to the "salary maneuver" , reaching an agreement with the federal prosecutor's office and renouncing other appeals: only a fine of 718 thousand euros and no further penalty points in the standings after the -10 in the case of capital gains. The Juventus club has issued an official press release to comment on what has just happened, reiterating among other things " the correctness of its actions and the validity of its defensive arguments ".

Juventus, the official press release on the plea deal

Turin, 30 May 2023 – Juventus Football Club SpA (“Juventus” or the “Company”) announces that it has defined the FIGC proceeding no. 336 pts 22-23 (relating to the so-called "2019/2020 and 2020/2021 salary maneuvers", to relations with certain sports agents, as well as to certain alleged "partnership relations" with other clubs) against the imposition of a pecuniary sanction equal to Euro 718,240.00 and the waiver of the appeal before the CONI Sports Guarantee College against the decision issued by the Federal Court of Appeal of the FIGC on 22 May 2023 in the proceeding relating to the so-called "capital gains".

In fact, today the FIGC National Federal Court adopted Decision 0189/TFNSD-2022-2023 which, definitively pronouncing, orders the imposition of the aforementioned pecuniary sanction against the Company following the proposal for the "application of sanctions upon request after the referral" presented by Juventus pursuant to article 127 of the FIGC Sports Justice Code which also contemplates the Company's undertaking to waive the presentation of legal proceedings before the Sports Guarantee Board at CONI against the decision issued by the Federal Court of Appeal of the FIGC on 22 May 2023 in the context of referral judgment no. 138/CFA/2022-2023 (procedure no. 233 pf 21-21 relating to the so-called "capital gains").

The Company, while reiterating the correctness of its actions and the validity of its defensive arguments, has decided to apply the sanctions upon request pursuant to art. 127 CGS in the terms indicated above in the best interests of the Company itself, its shareholders and all stakeholders (both belonging to the world of sport and not). In fact, the definition of all open FIGC sporting procedures allows the Company to achieve a certain result, setting a fixed point and overcoming the state of tension and instability that would inevitably arise from the continuation of disputes with uncertain outcomes and times, also allowing management,

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