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Juve right away, there is no more rest! Mantra Colinet, symbol of the Motta change

The phrase shouted by the second assistant and trainer echoes across the Juventus social media: a message that aims to make the Old Lady's new modus operandi clear

" Now, now! There's no more rest. Now! ". These are the words shouted by Simon Colinet , second assistant to Thiago Motta at Juventus and in charge of the athletic preparation of the Bianconeri, during the first training session at Continassa and which are literally going around the Bianconeri web. A clear, impactful message, which marks a clear change of direction compared to what has been seen in recent years. And which, inevitably, has immediately captured the attention of the fans of the Old Lady , decidedly curious and eager to see what changes the former Bologna coach will be able to bring to the team. Tactical changes but not only, because what Motta's Bianconeri must not lack is certainly intensity, too often lacking in recent years with Allegri .

Colinet, new approach Juve

In this sense, Colinet's message seems to be a real mantra to be followed at all costs. Juventus itself also bears witness to the trust in the new method of approaching work. The day after the first training session, the black and white club published the audio in question on the team's official Whatsapp channel, but not only that. Yesterday morning, Juve posted a photo of the training session that immortalizes Locatelli  ( among the most eager after being excluded from Euro 2024 ) in a slide, accompanying it all with the usual phrase: " There is no rest! ". A way of experiencing work that, for one, recalls the same modus operandi of the first Antonio Conte who led Juventus to the beginning of the historic black and white winning cycle after two disappointing seventh places in a row. The situation is certainly not the same, Juve will play five competitions next year but in any case if they want to do more, a clean break with the recent past will be needed.

Motta, Colinet and the staff at Juve

Simon Colinet fully represents the new values ​​indicated. He has been one of Thiago Motta's collaborators for a very long time: the two met during their time at Paris Saint Germain , then they started working together without ever separating (apart from a short experience at Toulouse ). Simon has worked with high-level coaches such as Ancelotti , Emery and Blanc in his career . Some data regarding the Bologna of dreams help to better understand the impact of the athletic trainer: the rossoblù were among the clubs that had the highest average of kilometers covered per game, without giving up ball possession. In addition to him, Motta can also count on other historic faces of his staff . The assistant official is Alexandre Hugeux , who takes care of the tactical part and with whom Thiago frequently compares himself during matches and training sessions. After him, here is his brother-in-law Flavio Francisco Garcia , who with Alessandro Colasante completes the team of match-analysts in the stands.

Completing the staff are the two goalkeeping coaches, Alfred Dossou Yovo and Iago Lozano . In short, Juventus feels ready to face a profound change starting from one of the most important aspects: the approach to work. And the fans appreciate it, as evidenced by the strong response under each post regarding the first training sessions of the new, renewed, Old Lady.



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