16:13 the final result will be announced around 19:00
15.45 Juventus won the final appeal that challenged the closure of the Curva Sud for a home round: on Sunday against Napoli, the sector will be open and attended by Juventus fans.

15.08 - As reported by Sky Sport, there will be five of them today to make the decision regarding the penalty for Juventus. Among them also Gabriella Palmieri Sandulli, president of the Board of Guarantee.
14.55 - We obviously remind all blackandwhitemalta.com readers that the merits will not be discussed in the hearing, but the judicial analysis provides for a judgment on the legitimacy of the principles. That is, the legitimacy of the action that led to the penalty will be established. It is not excluded that the sentence could arrive tomorrow: there are five days to issue the sentence device. And a month for the publication of the reasons. The hearing will last about a couple of hours, to understand if the device will pronounce itself tonight or tomorrow. Keep this article open and update it often, to receive all updates. Scroll down to understand what could be happening.
14.32 - The hearing has just begun. President Ferrero was also present, together with a delegation of Juventus lawyers
14.31 - Avv. Clarizi (Juventus) declared at the entrance: "Sensations? Beautiful".
14:30 will see the Coni Hall of Honour, set up like a tribunal, by the Sports Guarantee College in joint sections, which will have to decide on the penalty inflicted on the Juventus club by the FIGC Court of Appeal. The hearing will be open-door, with CONI having registered a large demand for accreditations, so much so that it has to regulate access.