The president of Lazio on the penalty imposed on the Juventus club by the Federal Court of Appeal for the capital gains investigation: "Rejoicing does not reflect the values of sport"

The 10 penalty points inflicted on Juventus mathematically sent Lazio into the Champions League . In fact, the Biancocelesti now occupy second place in the standings, +7 from Atalanta in fifth place with two rounds to go. An enormous satisfaction for the number one of the Capitoline Claudio Lotito , who you have Sky microphones commented:"At the end of the championship we will see what the official position will be, formal acts count and not hypotheses. We will see what the final classification will be. We have set up a team to compete with everyone and we have demonstrated it against titled teams, almost always coming out victorious or not defeated. For us it is an important result, it means that with organization and work we can obtain important results".
Lazio, Lotito on -10 to Juventus
The Lazio president then criticized those who rejoiced over the penalty inflicted on the black and whites: "I don't comment on the sentences. When everyone was pointing the finger at Juventus, I recalled how the club was a point of reference which, thanks to its investments and thanks to its organization we have been able to have teams in the Olympus of international football. The acts of abuse do not belong to me, Juventus will assert its reasons in the forums it deems appropriate. Rejoicing in the situations of others does not reflect the values of sport." .