Resounding turn on the London-Turin section, the Blues open up to the deal but only under certain conditions: the details

The future of Romelu Lukaku and DusanVlahovic are increasingly intertwined, day after day. After resoundingly rejected the return to Inter - after Marotta had built practically the entire market in order to bring the Belgian center forward back to Milan - and having thanked but sent back to the sender the pharaonic Arab offers, Romelu and Juventus continue to flirt after going very close to getting married in 2019, before United discarded the exchange with Dybala.
The Bianconeri club tried to probe the ground with Chelsea to understand the feasibility of a possible loan, with the London club having initially rejected this type of option. The Blues started from the desire to cede Romelu outright and to monetize, but in order to solve the issue that appears increasingly blocked, they have in recent hours opened up to the possibility of inserting Vlahovic as a counterpart.