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Morata to Milan, it's done! Confirmation from Atletico Madrid

The Spanish striker ready to leave Spain to wear the red and black, the colchoneros admit: "It seems he's leaving"

Morata is ready to enjoy his holidays, but before leaving with his wife Alice Campello, he will have to make his future official. The post shared on social media together with Atletico Madrid had hinted at his desire to stay with the Colchoneros, but now his next destination is clear: as reported by Sky Sport , the striker has confirmed his yes to Milan.  No return to Juventus therefore: for the first time the player, should the deal materialize, will be an opponent of the Old Lady in Serie A.

Morata towards Milan: the news

The club is working to iron out all the details and close the deal as quickly as possible. In the next few days, the Rossoneri club is scheduled to travel to Madrid , with Furlani also present, to meet Morata's agents . Once all the bureaucratic aspects have been sorted out, Milan will have the player undergo medical tests in Spain , before he leaves for his holidays.

It is still to be seen whether the management will pay the 13 million euro release clause into Atletico's coffers or whether they will agree on another figure. No return for the third time to Juve for the player, despite Chiellini's words of praise after the European Championship and Buffon's post . The player is therefore ready to return to play in Serie A with a new shirt. And his teamwork will be very useful to Fonseca. Last season the striker also scored 21 goals and 5 assists in 48 appearances, demonstrating great physical integrity and a sense of goal.

Morata to Milan, the confirmation... of Atletico

It now seems all set for Alvaro Morata's return to Italy, this time not to Juve but to Milan. And that the deal is on the home straight has also been confirmed by the number 1 of Atletico Madrid . The president of the colchoneros, Enrique Cerezo, spoke to the microphones of the program 'TardeAR', on TeleCinco : " If Morata will go to Milan? It seems so. At Atletico those who want to stay remain, and those who don't want to leave. But this situation bothers us because Morata is a fantastic footballer and a magnificent person ."



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