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Serie A TV rights, still nothing done. Offers valid until October

After the assembly, the decisive match will be played in the coming months: the situation and future scenarios

Nothing is done regarding the allocation of TV rights related to the Serie A championship starting from the 2024 season. The three offers from Dazn, Mediaset and Sky will be valid until mid-October, a period in which the companies will try to find the final decision. "The Assembly of the Serie A League took place this afternoon by videoconference also dealing with the theme of the audiovisual rights of the Serie A championship for the period 2024 - 2029", reads the note issued at the end of the work.

TV Series A rights, offers and future scenarios

"Last night the Serie A League concluded the second round of private negotiations with the receipt of the improvement offers by the three broadcasters, Dazn, Mediaset and Sky. As provided by the rules of the Int to Offer, the offers received remain valid and binding until next October 15, in the meantime the Serie A League and the Companies will continue to work with the aim of maximizing the value of their audiovisual rights". The decisive match will therefore be played in the coming months: in the event that the offers are not accepted by the clubs, the third phase of the announcement involves the opening of the packs containing the offers by the six stakeholders in the creation of the League Channel.



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