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Sports justice, in September a course with the great experts

On September 21, a webinar entitled "The new frontiers of Sports Justice between reforms and rigor" will be held with lawyer Viglione, lawyer Matera and the Attorney General of Sport Taucer

Sports justice is increasingly the bed of stormy debate. Not only because sport, football in particular, has always been the 'most important thing of the least important things', as Ennio Flaiano said, but also and above all because if it once administered an issue with a more sporting than economic importance, today it operates in a context that calculates its turnover in billions of euros (football in Italy alone produces 8 billion in revenues, including induced). It goes without saying that the economic reflexes of a decision of sports justice can have repercussions of millions of euros (the exclusion from the Champions League of Juventus, a listed company, will cause lost revenue of about 90 million, to give an example) and this has put at the center of the political-sports debate the question of the adequacy or not of the current sports justice and its instruments, starting from codes to end up with procedures. Appeals to the TAR and also to the European Court of Human Rights are very recent, which have as their object the lack (or absence) of the right of defense in sporting trials. Sporting trials that can have an eiziale impact on the careers or the very ability of convicts to work. Last season, the case of the so-called "fictitious capital gains" that involved Juventus and other Italian clubs, then brought to the table an extremely technical speech of administrative law, which has always been a "legal headache" (how the value of a footballer's performance is objectively calculated is a question that has not yet been answered). It is in this scenario, that the figure of the specialized lawyer is gradually growing, the reform of sports justice is being discussed.

The course

And the debate also involves the most experienced institutions and lawyers in the field. An opportunity to address the topic will be the course of September 21 (from 3 pm to 6 pm) and which will see some of the most authoritative protagonists of sports justice: the lawyer Pierluigi Matera (component of the Advisory Commission for the Reform of the Sports Justice of Coni), Dr. Ugo Taucer (Attor General of Sports at the Coni) and the lawyer Giancarlo Viglione (author, among other things, of the " FIGC Sports Justice Code"), whose interventions will be moderated by the director of Tuttosport, Guido Vaciago. The course in the form of a webinar is entitled "The New Frontiers of Sports Justice between Reforms and Rigorness", will take place around two main topics: 1. Reflections on the Sports Process and Sports Justice in the Third Millennium; 2. A concrete case: sports justice and the Juventus case.



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