The novelty is represented by the possibility introduced to drop the signal that allows abusive users to watch matches within half an hour of notification

The anti-piracy law becomes a reality: the provision was definitively approved unanimously by the Senate after the green light was given in the Chamber on 22 March.
It was a highly anticipated transition from Italian football and television, which for years have suffered enormous damage from the millions of illegal accesses to live matches. Excellent news all the more so in these weeks marked by private negotiations for the sale of national Serie A rights in the cycle following 2024.
TV rights, the news
Now the Lega Serie A will be able to put this tool on the plate which guarantees more powerful legal weapons to fight the pirates and the criminal organizations behind these illegal trafficking. The big news is represented by the possibility introduced by the new law to drop the signal that allows abusive users to watch the games before the start of the match or at the latest within half an hour of notification. Agcom will send a notification to the providers that own the servers on which the pirate sites are based. And telecom companies will have to carry out the order of the supervisory authority"before the start or, at the latest, during the transmission itself, without any delay, disabling the routing of network traffic to the IP addresses" . In parallel, the report will be sent to the judiciary which will start criminal investigations. But this second part before prosecutors and courts already existed before.