There is a great desire to turn the page, to see another game proposal and rediscover the old lost competitive spirit. The response of the people who will crowd the Stadium today is an act of love that increases the responsibility of Allegri and the team

TURIN – Despite everything, they will be there. More than twenty thousand Juventus fans will gather around the team for the summer embrace, which this year will be at the Stadium. Faith and fidelity are stronger than disappointment for the last twelve months and depression for the consequences of the most troubled season in Juventus history. There isn't a good atmosphere among the people of Juventus and, on the other hand, there are good reasons to be in a bad mood, yet the will to stay close to the team or even just the shirt prevails.
The more than twenty thousand this afternoon (there could have been more, but the stewards could not be found to open the second tier) and the brilliant pre-sale of Juventus-Bologna on 27 August are important signals, technical tests of rapprochement between a proven but obviously still in love. Which makes the responsibility of Massimiliano Allegri and his players enormous: after two years of bitterness, the residual credit of love and respect must be invested well, otherwise it risks ending badly.